20 Questions with Priyanka Murthy

Who is this badass mama rocking some serious Kamala Harris vibes? It's Priyanka Murthy, the Florida based mom, lawyer, entrepreneur and the CEO behind the tech-enabled, try-before-you-buy fine jewelry brand, Access79.
(The selection of jewelry on her site is UHMAZING. Please go check it out!)
Priyanka strives to prioritize what's most important. In lawyer fashion, a numbered list: 1. Ensuring her rambunctious 4yo guy, Raaghuv, feels loved and contributes to the world; 2. Being the professional advisor/lawyer and personal cheerleader for her exceedingly gregarious and deeply loving husband, Ragu, who is a cardiologist and technology investor; 3. Building Access79 into the world’s best jewelry discovery experience and mentoring the next generation of young leaders; 4. Seeing the world.
Before she takes over our Instagram tomorrow morning (Friday May 7th) - check out Priyanka's answers to our 20 Questions and get a glimpse inside this uber-impressive Mama:
- What’s your favorite place in the entire world?
I am the most nomadic person in the world, I’ve lived in 6 countries and traveled to 73 others. I just can’t pick a favorite place in the traditional sense. So, I will say a joyful place dancing or racing with my 4 year old guy.
- What’s the best parenting advice you’ve ever received?
I don’t think, honestly, I’ve gotten any notably good advice that has stuck. But I can tell you one thing that I strive to do which is to enjoy being with my son and not see parenting as work all the time, but to actively take pleasure in parenting where I can.
- Do you have any pets?
Yes a rescue dog named Chandoo
- What is something you’re grateful for today?
My health and my family
- First thing I do in the morning:
Tell Siri to set the alarm for 10 minutes later and then wake up before the 10 minutes extra and drink the intentionally cold coffee my husband leaves on the nightstand every morning.
- What’s your biggest goal in life right now?
To raise a well-adjusted and independent child while still fulfilling all my professional aspirations and potential and helping my husband achieve his.
- Last person you hugged?
My babylove 4 yo boy Raaghuv
- What did you want to be when you were a kid?
Secretary of State and Angela Bower Ad Exec on Who’s the Boss
- What’s your claim to fame?
I’m probably the most charismatic nerd you’ll ever meet
- What are you saving money for right now?
We have zero savings, every bit of savings we have is invested in our businesses, real estate, alternative currencies, stocks, etc.
- What’s your favorite brunch item?
Eggs benedict with salmon and a peach bellini
- Who has been the most influential person in your life?
My dad and husband are tied. I hope that doesn’t sound antiquated or cliche but it’s so true!
- What’s your biggest day-to-day challenge?
Not feeling guilty for not being with my son throughout the day and for relying on our nanny to step in daily to do things I can’t because I am working.
- When have you given up on something?
I’ve given up on some friendships and family relationships that were not fulfilling and negative
- What is your favorite way to spend a Saturday?
Starting it off with running or jumping/playing outside with the family -- we are really active; going to a science class with my baby guy, eating lunch at home, doing something fun outside with my baby guy and my husband, coming home to do some light work for Access79, and then going to a dinner party at friends’ house (with the vaccine those have started back up!)
- How did you meet your best friends?
My husband is my best friend and I met him at a now defunct club in Chicago called Enclave. It was the day before Thanksgiving, November 2008 and we discussed politics while go-go dancers were in the background. I had a very strange acquaintance at the time who got kind of drunk and went around taking photos of everything, so believe it or not, there is a photo of us the first time we met
- Do you think you could live in another country?
Oh yes for sure. I’d live in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, or Sydney, Australia
- What gift have you received that you will always treasure?
I literally have no sentimental attachment to any one thing. So I would say the opportunity to come to America. I was born in India and my family and I immigrated when I was in elementary school. I think that was a gift that changed my life.
- Night owl or morning person?
Night owl for sure
- Favorite music genre?
1990s and 2000 Hip hop