How to Sleep Baby at the Beach

How to Sleep Baby at the Beach - by MiliMili
Planning a beach vacation with baby and want to figure out how to get them to sleep AT the beach so you don't have to hustle back to your rental every nap time? 
Check out these four tips that have helped us sleep our own babies while we're enjoying our beach day (note: we don't recommend doing this multiple days in a row - as that often leads to overtired babies!) 
How to Sleep Baby at the Beach, #1: Create a safe, secure sleep environment.
How to sleep baby at the beach, #2: Clean off all the sand using baby powder
How to sleep baby at the beach, #3: Mimic their sleep routine as much as possible
How to Sleep Baby at the Beach, #4: Bring a carrier and be flexible
Have other tips for great beach sleep? Drop them here! 

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