Learn How to Improve Your Sleep
We are tired, pretty much every day.
Even when our kids are sleeping well, it feels like we are incapable of sleeping through the night.
We hear every little noise (was that a cry? Is the baby awake?!), we get up to pee constantly, we no longer know HOW to sleep in.
And the problem isn't uncommon for adults - in fact, if anything, it's treated like a badge of honor. As a society we treat lack of sleep as a marker of a good parent or dedicated entrepreneur. Lack of sleep shows your dedication, and love, for your children or your business.
That is nuts.
Research has shown that both children and adults with good sleep habits tend to be healthier, more focused, have better memory and cognitive functions, and are overall happier with life.
Lack of sleep shouldn't be revered - it should be considered a problem we need to fix. And Brittney Stefanic, founder of SleeperTeachers agrees. Hence why she started her company - to teach both children and adults how to get a better night's sleep, and in turn live happier and healthier lives.
Feel like you could improve upon your sleep?
Or need to help your little learn how to take a great nap or sleep through the night?
Join us on Monday on our Instagram Stories as Brittney takes over our account to answer all your sleep related questions.
This is going to be a good one, so don't miss it!