20 Questions with Janice Wong

 20 Questions with Janice Wong


When the pandemic started, Janice Wong was pregnant with her second child and working as a nurse at a community hospital. 

When her son was born (during lockdown!) she found herself diapering two kids, which produced so much extra waste that her household trash wouldn’t fit in the 35-gallon curbside waste bin. So she was inspired to make a change to better the environment and switched to cloth diapers. 

But she quickly realized when she broached the subject with friends, most were reluctant to consider the change to cloth diapers themselves. So mid-pandemic, with two little ones to care for, Janice decided to pivot her career and start a business in an effort to create an easy-to-use and easy-to-clean cloth diapering system. 

The business hasn't (quite) launched - but you can sign up for updates about it here

But while we wait for these awesome cloth diapers to make their debut - we can get to know Janice tomorrow (Friday, April 23rd) when she takes over our Instagram stories, and here with our weekly 20 Questions:


Janice Wong and family


  • What’s your favorite place in the entire world? 
  • Hong Kong where I was born and spent my early childhood years. 

  • What’s the best parenting advice you’ve ever received?
  • “This too shall pass.” Be present and enjoy every moment to connect with your child. (Yes… even during tantrums when mommy is the only one sitting next to an exploding kid.)

  • Do you have any pets?
  • I have a long hair Chihuahua in heaven. 

  • What is something you’re grateful for today? 
  • I’m grateful for Jesus, good health, my wonderful family, and a loving support system. 

  • First thing I do in the morning: 
  • Check on the kids’ video camera. 

  • What’s your biggest goal in life right now? 
  • Empower every mom who may be interested in cloth diapering – It’s not that bad and you don’t have to do it 24/7! I will do everything I can to walk you through. Feel free to reach out!

  • Last person you hugged?
  • My daughter. 

    Janice Wong's kids

  • What did you want to be when you were a kid?
  • A social worker.

  • What’s your claim to fame?
  • I can eat…. A LOT. 

  • What are you saving money for right now?
  • My elderly parents, my children’s education, and starting a small business the bootstrapping way.

  • What’s your favorite brunch item?
  • Dungeness Crab Egg Benedict! 

  • Who has been the most influential person in your life?
  • My mother for the sacrifices she makes for the family. I respect and appreciate her even more after I’ve become a mom.

    janice wong's closet office - with small baby coworker
  • What’s your biggest day-to-day challenge?
  • Keeping my cool with my 2 children along with an overworked husband, as well as staying focused when I finally have time to work on my business after the kids go to bed. 

  • When have you given up on something?
  • I’ve finally learned to take imperfect actions to make progress, rather than chasing for a perfect situation. 

  • What is your favorite way to spend a Saturday?
  • Have brunch, explore new places with the BeCeBe (aka busy bees, named after my kids) 

  • How did you meet your best friends?
  • I met my best friends in elementary, middle, and high school. 

  • Do you think you could live in another country?
  • Yes, with my family  

    Janice Wong milimili takeover

  • What gift have you received that you will always treasure?
  • A wooden memory box hand painted by my maid of honor and filled with letters from my girlfriends. 

  • Night owl or morning person?
  • NIGHT OWL, that’s the only time I can work.

  • Favorite music genre? 
  • My favorite music genre is determined by my daughter. Our current playlist is still Christmas songs. Jingle Bell by Gwen Stefani is her favorite. 

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