7 Baby Sleep Tips You Can Try At Home Now!

 Written by: Maria Lopez, Sleep Consultant

smirking baby wearing milimili playa blue baby beanie


1. Avoid helping your baby fall asleep.

They key to consolidated sleep is our ability to end a sleep cycle and start a new one quickly, without having to fully wake up. If you are helping your little one fall asleep for every sleep situation, and using props like rocking, feeding to sleep, and a pacifier, your baby will wake up completely after a sleep cycle is over, and will ask for your help to start a new one.


2. Be consistent!

Make sure all sleep situations, naps and night time sleep, are the same; keeping them consistent is the best way to give your baby a clear message that it’s time to sleep. For example, if you use white noise at night, use it for naps. If your child uses a sleep sack for nights, she should use it during naps.


3. Set an early bedtime.

Early bedtimes make sure baby isn’t going down to sleep overtired. Over tiredness will make it harder for your little one to fall asleep and stay asleep. Pick a time between 6 and 8 pm based on when the last nap ended and your baby’s age. Bedtime doesn’t have to be set in stone!  As long as it isn’t later than 8 pm, it’s O.K. to adjust it according to how tired your baby seems to be at the end of the day.


4. Establish a bedtime routine.

Put together a bedtime routine that is different from everything else that happens during the day. Keep the order of bedtime routine the same every night, as it will become a great cue to your baby’s body that sleep is coming! A good bedtime routine shouldn’t last longer than 30 minutes and should be enjoyable for both parents and baby. You and your partner should take turns getting baby ready and laying baby down; this will teach him to be more flexible, and he’ll learn to go down peacefully for all caretakers. Imagine being able to go out on a date knowing baby will go to sleep for the babysitter. HEAVEN!


5. Have a naptime routine.

Having a mini version of your bedtime routine for nap time that happens for every single nap will also be a great sleep cue for your baby!


6. Avoid skipping naps and late bedtimes.

Yep! This will only make your baby overtired and make it harder for them to fall asleep and stay asleep during the night. Remember, sleep begets sleep!


7. Keep baby awake for all feeds.

Help your baby stay awake during all feeds, during the day and at night. Not only will this ensure that your baby is getting fulfilling feeds, but it will also keep your baby from depending on being fed to be able to fall asleep.


maria lopez - not a peep sleep coach

About the Author: 

When Maria became a mom for the first time, she realized the importance of a good night sleep for her, her  husband and baby. She understands you, because she has been there: she was sleep deprived!


Teaching her baby to sleep improved their lives immensely. They weren't exhausted anymore, and had plenty of energy to enjoy their little one and each other. Immediately, she developed a  passion about children's sleep. She knew she wanted to educate other families about sleep and make parenthood enjoyable for others, and shortly after her second child was born, she founded  Not A Peep.


Her philosophy is very simple. She believes that having a routine is the backbone to good sleep habits and happy kids. She works with families to come up with solutions tailored to their needs. She designs a plan that is easy to follow and respects everyone’s limits. Her specialties include sleep plans, soothing techniques for baby and establishment of routines.


Maria holds a degree in psychology from Georgia State University with an emphasis in child psychology and over 18 years of professional childcare experience. She is a Certified Sleep Sense Pediatric Sleep Specialist and certified Happiest Baby Educator. She currently serves on the Sleep Sense advisory Board and is the winner of the Philadelphia Family LOVE awards in 2019 and 2020 Best Sleep Consultant, and was chosen as Philadelphia’s Favorite Sleep Consultant in 2021.  More importantly, she is a mother to Alina, Luna, and Eva.


Want to get in touch with Maria?

Visit her website: www.not-a-peep.com

Send her an email: notapeepphilly@gmail.com

Check her out on IG! @babysleepcoaching

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